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Posts Tagged: cats

A piebalded and brown tabby lying on the floor with his face squished against a scratching post

Introducing Cats to Each Other: Part 5

Misunderstood gremlin academy, cat behaviorist consult.

Marsh on the couch reaching towards the camera with his belly up and two front teeth exposed.

Introducing Cats to Each Other: Part 4

Terrible play aggression, Gus’ second adoptiversary, and tons of progress introducing Gus and Marsh to each other.

Marsh passed out belly side up on the couch

Introducing Cats to Each Other: Part 3

Small introductions! And behavioral problems.

A brown and piebalded tabby making a very goofy face, half-asleep, looking at the camera with his chin up

Introducing Cats to Each Other: Part 2

Lots of site-swapping and clicker training.

Marsh pressing his head into Kat's hand for ear scritches.

Introducing Cats to Each Other

A quest to make Gus and Marsh best brothers.