emily’s bike stuff
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Fall Into Slow Streets Slow Ride

The Fall Into Slow Streets Slow Ride (instagram) was a couple Saturdays ago and it was a great time. I don’t ride down as far as Bernal often and it’s way more pleasant to do in a group.

We met at Dolores Park and then rode down Valencia. I’m not in the new center running bike lane (🤮) much. Taking the traffic lane as a group was the right call.

A group of a few dozen bicyclists taking a traffic lane and center running bike lane with residences on both sides.

Frog and Toad are canonically queer, for the record.

Two cyclists riding in Frog and Toad costumes.

It’s been a hot minute since I was on 24th in Noe Valley.

A group of cyclists crossing 24th & Vicksburg facing Twin Peaks

Slow Sanchez!

Riders making their way past 25th on Sanchez

Box Dog Pelican 👀

A blue randonneuring bike with a 'Pelican' decal on the downtube.

Our group was so cute going over the little bridge off Arlington.

A group of cyclists taking all the space on the right lane over a bridge, with a line of cars in the left lane
A group of cyclists in the sun going up a hill with lots of wires overhead

Riding on Mission is definitely better with friends.

A group of cyclists waiting at the intersection of Cortland and Mission with Sutro Tower in the distance.
Riding in the traffic and red lane on Mission.

Our longer stop for lunch was at Precita Park. This means Atlas gets to stretch out with his wheels!

Atlas (a 13 year old pug) looking up at the camera with a happy expression. His rear legs are supported by wheels.
A group of cyclists riding towards a turn surrounded by colorful murals.
A group of cyclists riding around a turn with a 'Mission Creek' banner on the right.

Slow Noe!

A group of cyclists on Noe St coming up to Market, riding past an F bus.

We all got off our bikes to get around an event on Noe. There are two Bromptons in this photo, and I think there was a third at the ride!

A group of cyclists walking their bikes on the sidewalk. The person in front is wearing a helmet with a MUNI worm sticker.

And we ended at Duboce Park after three hours of joyous riding.
